Programme information
- Title:
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Description:
Mental capacity is the ability to make a specific decision at the time it needs to be made, with help if necessary. It has been estimated that over two million adults and young people may lack mental capacity at any time (due to dementia, acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities, acute delirium and other conditions).
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) is the essential framework for making decisions about the care and treatment of people aged 16 and over, who might lack mental capacity to make their own decisions to consent to, or refuse, interventions that are offered by health or social care professionals.
The HEE e-LfH Mental Capacity Act e-learning programme (MCA) is made up of 11 e-learning sessions. Each e-learning session will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and is made up of knowledge, case scenarios, short interviews and self-assessment questions to test your knowledge. The resource can be accessed on smart phones, tablets and laptop/desktop devices. - Created:
- 30 Jul 2019
- Last Major Update:
- 15 Jan 2024
- Keywords:
- MCA, Mental Capacity Act, human rights, DoLS, Deprivation of Liberty, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Assessment, Assess, human rights, decisions, decision-making, LPA, deputyships, advance statement, advance decision, planning, restraint, MHA, Mental Health Act, liberty, capacity, competency, consent, legal, Gillick, research, safeguards, treatment, evidence, consent, safeguarding, Office of Public Guardian, OPG, treatment, consent, care, disputes, disagreements, MCA, opinions, 16 and 17 year olds
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- Title:
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Description:
Mental capacity is the ability to make a specific decision at the time it needs to be made, with help if necessary. It has been estimated that over two million adults and young people may lack mental capacity at any time (due to dementia, acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities, acute delirium and other conditions).
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) is the essential framework for making decisions about the care and treatment of people aged 16 and over, who might lack mental capacity to make their own decisions to consent to, or refuse, interventions that are offered by health or social care professionals.
The HEE e-LfH Mental Capacity Act e-learning programme (MCA) is made up of 11 e-learning sessions. Each e-learning session will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and is made up of knowledge, case scenarios, short interviews and self-assessment questions to test your knowledge. The resource can be accessed on smart phones, tablets and laptop/desktop devices. - Created:
- 30 Jul 2019
- Last Major Update:
- 15 Jan 2024
- Keywords:
- MCA, Mental Capacity Act, human rights, DoLS, Deprivation of Liberty, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Assessment, Assess, human rights, decisions, decision-making, LPA, deputyships, advance statement, advance decision, planning, restraint, MHA, Mental Health Act, liberty, capacity, competency, consent, legal, Gillick, research, safeguards, treatment, evidence, consent, safeguarding, Office of Public Guardian, OPG, treatment, consent, care, disputes, disagreements, MCA, opinions, 16 and 17 year olds