Programme information
- Title:
- Home First, Act Now
- Description:
- This course is designed to bring to life the contents of the ActNow Grab Guides launched by NHSE/I and the QNI. The course takes the learner through a wealth of resources which highlight how individuals at every level can take personal action to help people get home from hospital sooner or prevent admission altogether.
- Created:
- 4 Nov 2019
- Last Major Update:
- 29 Jun 2021
- Keywords:
- discharge, hospital discharge, community discharge, home first, act now, leadership, multidisciplinary, discharge to access, community, valuing patient time, frailty, multi agency working
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- Title:
- Home First, Act Now
- Description:
- This course is designed to bring to life the contents of the ActNow Grab Guides launched by NHSE/I and the QNI. The course takes the learner through a wealth of resources which highlight how individuals at every level can take personal action to help people get home from hospital sooner or prevent admission altogether.
- Created:
- 4 Nov 2019
- Last Major Update:
- 29 Jun 2021
- Keywords:
- discharge, hospital discharge, community discharge, home first, act now, leadership, multidisciplinary, discharge to access, community, valuing patient time, frailty, multi agency working