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- Title:
- [Retired] Simulation Scenarios
- Description:
Simulation scenarios:
Basic Life Support Sim Lesson Plan & Resources_Pink
COVID Airway Sim Lesson Plan_Blue
Oxygen Failure Lesson Plan & Sim Scenario_Yellow
Proning Sim Lesson Plan_Pink Yellow Blue - Hierarchy:
- [Retired] London Transformation and Learning Collaborative - Critical Care (LTLC) > Field Hospital Resources > [Retired] Yorkshire & Humber Field Hospital Resources > [Retired] Simulation Scenarios
- Keywords:
- Simulation, sim, scenarios, scenario, critical care, ICU, A-E, ABCDE, patient assessment, airway, prone, proned, team management, SBAR, handover, intubated, ventilator failure, oxygen failure, BLS, ventilated, patient, not ventilating, breathing problem, communication, COVID-19, COVID19, covid, situational awareness, delegation, assertiveness, leadership, leader, prioritise, followership, reassess, anticipate, plan, decision making
- Created:
- 2 Dec 2020
- Updated:
- 2 Dec 2020
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- Title:
- [Retired] Simulation Scenarios
- Description:
Simulation scenarios:
Basic Life Support Sim Lesson Plan & Resources_Pink
COVID Airway Sim Lesson Plan_Blue
Oxygen Failure Lesson Plan & Sim Scenario_Yellow
Proning Sim Lesson Plan_Pink Yellow Blue - Hierarchy:
- [Retired] London Transformation and Learning Collaborative - Critical Care (LTLC) > Field Hospital Resources > [Retired] Yorkshire & Humber Field Hospital Resources > [Retired] Simulation Scenarios
- Keywords:
- Simulation, sim, scenarios, scenario, critical care, ICU, A-E, ABCDE, patient assessment, airway, prone, proned, team management, SBAR, handover, intubated, ventilator failure, oxygen failure, BLS, ventilated, patient, not ventilating, breathing problem, communication, COVID-19, COVID19, covid, situational awareness, delegation, assertiveness, leadership, leader, prioritise, followership, reassess, anticipate, plan, decision making
- Created:
- 2 Dec 2020
- Updated:
- 2 Dec 2020