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- Title:
- Nurses workforce
- Description:
This series of training programmes was developed in response to the 2017 PHSO investigation into avoidable deaths from eating disorders as outlined in recommendations from the report titled Ignoring the Alarms: How NHS Eating Disorder Services Are Failing Patients (PHSO, 2017).
It is designed to ensure that healthcare staff are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder.
It is the result of collaboration between eating disorder charity Beat, Health Education England and NHSE.
Dedicated to the memory of Averil Hart and everyone else who has died unnecessarily from an eating disorder, it is our hope that this will be a significant step to ensuring that avoidable deaths from eating disorders are consigned to the past.
The eating disorders training for medical students and foundation doctors is designed to enable them to:
identify the major eating disorders and spot the early warning signs
recognise how common eating disorders may present
identify some suitable care plan pathways
explain the role of starvation in eating disorders and the effects on the brain
describe the common challenges experienced by clinicians identifying people with eating disorders
specify how to manage young people presenting with medical risk due to their eating disorder, in accordance with current guidance
explore how to communicate sensitively with people with eating disorders
identify the impact of early intervention on positive recovery - Hierarchy:
- Eating disorder training for health and care staff > Nurses workforce
- Keywords:
- 458-0003, 458-004, 459-005, mental health, eating disorders, eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, purging, over-exercising, weight loss, restriction, ARFID, OSFED, EDNOS, starvation, MaRSIPAN, refeeding syndrome, SCOFF
- Created:
- 9 Nov 2022
- Updated:
- 9 Nov 2022
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- Title:
- Nurses workforce
- Description:
This series of training programmes was developed in response to the 2017 PHSO investigation into avoidable deaths from eating disorders as outlined in recommendations from the report titled Ignoring the Alarms: How NHS Eating Disorder Services Are Failing Patients (PHSO, 2017).
It is designed to ensure that healthcare staff are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder.
It is the result of collaboration between eating disorder charity Beat, Health Education England and NHSE.
Dedicated to the memory of Averil Hart and everyone else who has died unnecessarily from an eating disorder, it is our hope that this will be a significant step to ensuring that avoidable deaths from eating disorders are consigned to the past.
The eating disorders training for medical students and foundation doctors is designed to enable them to:
identify the major eating disorders and spot the early warning signs
recognise how common eating disorders may present
identify some suitable care plan pathways
explain the role of starvation in eating disorders and the effects on the brain
describe the common challenges experienced by clinicians identifying people with eating disorders
specify how to manage young people presenting with medical risk due to their eating disorder, in accordance with current guidance
explore how to communicate sensitively with people with eating disorders
identify the impact of early intervention on positive recovery - Hierarchy:
- Eating disorder training for health and care staff > Nurses workforce
- Keywords:
- 458-0003, 458-004, 459-005, mental health, eating disorders, eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, purging, over-exercising, weight loss, restriction, ARFID, OSFED, EDNOS, starvation, MaRSIPAN, refeeding syndrome, SCOFF
- Created:
- 9 Nov 2022
- Updated:
- 9 Nov 2022