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Coronavirus (COVID-19) > Resources for Staff Working in a Primary Care and Community Setting > Supporting Patient Mental Health for the whole workforce > Adults Mental Health Awareness > Introduction to Perinatal Mental Health 1

Coronavirus (COVID-19) > Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled > Resources for Returning Midwives > Essential Learning for Midwives > Saving Babies' Lives Care Bundle v2 > Prediction, prevention and perinatal optimisation of preterm birth

Interactive Pathways (PWS) > Interactive Pathways > Healthy Pregnancy Pathway

Prediction, prevention and perinatal optimisation of preterm birth
Maternity resources: Ockenden immediate and essential actions > 8. Complex Antenatal Care > Saving Babies Lives > Prediction, Prevention and Perinatal Optimisation of Preterm Birth > Prediction, prevention and perinatal optimisation of preterm birth

MindEd Healthy Child Mental Health Framework > Healthy Child 0-5 > Health Promotion > Mental Health Promotion in the Perinatal Period

MindEd Learning Paths > Health > MindEd for Nursing > Health Visitor Nurses > Mental Health Promotion in the Perinatal Period

MindEd Thematic View > Promotion of mental health and wellbeing > Health Child Framework > Mental Health Promotion in the Perinatal Period

Management of pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
Saving Babies' Lives (SBL) > Management of pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes > Management of pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes